Preterm labor and birth

If the signs get worse or don’t go away, call your provider or go right to the hospital. Remember, getting help quickly is the best thing you can do.

What are the risk factors of preterm labor?

Some things can make a woman more likely than others to have preterm labor and birth. Having a risk factor doesn’t guarantee you’ll have preterm labor or give birth early, but it may increase your chances. These risk factors make you most likely to have preterm labor and give birth early:

  • Having a premature baby in the past.
  • Being pregnant with multiples (twins, triplets or more).
  • Having problems with your uterus or cervix, now or in the past.

There are many other documented risk factors for preterm labor and birth. It is also important to avoid getting late or no prenatal care during pregnancy. Smoking, drinking alcohol and using street drugs must be avoided, along with exposure to pollution. It is imperative that moms reduce stress in their life, reduce long working hours and get out of domestic violence situations. A lot of family support, in a calm environment is recommended for every mother.

For more information on preterm labor and birth, contact Shelly Benfield, CNM, at the Center for Women and Children, by calling 828/326-3053.

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