Setting Goals for 2023

A new year is ushered in with a variety of emotions that often lead to innovative ideas and resolutions. Some commit to more exercise. Some commit to paying off debt. Some commit to weight loss. Having goals for things we want to do and working towards them is an important part of living. It gives us a sense of meaning and purpose and that we are making progress. Although, many of these resolutions are set without considering the process required to achieve them. How do you set achievable goals for 2023?

  1. Specific. You want to clearly identify your goal in specific simple terms. You should avoid vague or broad statements. To be specific, a goal should answer the questions: who, what, when, where, and why?
  2. Measurable. You should be able to measure your goal in quantifiable ways. This will allow you to track your progress and evaluate weekly.
  3. Achievable. Your goal should be realistic for your circumstances. Small change that leads to success are better than making big changes that are difficult to sustain.
  4. Relevant. If you goal lines up with your why, then you are much more likely to stick with it. Your why is your motivation.
  5. Time. You want to determine the deadline by which you should achieve your goal. Give yourself adequate time to reach your goal and evaluate weekly.

Now that you have a goal set, share with a friend. Accountability helps encourage you to keep moving forward. Consider having weekly check-in times, to assist you in keeping those small weekly goals.

May the excitement of a fresh start in 2023 motivate you to achieve your goals and encourage others to do the same. Hope you have a happy, healthy, productive year!

Patti Moore, MS, RD, LDN, CDCES

Wellness Dietitian
