
Healthcare Volunteering in Catawba County

Thank you for your interest in serving as a volunteen at Catawba Valley Health System (CVHS)! Volunteens are selected from applications submitted by students in the Catawba County, Hickory City, and Newton-Conover City school systems.

Application Process

  • Rising Freshmen and Sophomores
  • Applications are accetped from March 15th through April 15th for the 2025 Summer session

Volunteen Process

  • Application Instructions: Students can review the necessary information needed to complete the Volunteen Application and Teacher References.
  • Volunteen Application: Students will print and complete the application form provided on the CVHS website and submit to their school counselor or intern coordinator.
  • Teacher References: Two teacher references are required. The student will print two forms from the CVHS website and submit a blank form to two of their current teachers. Each teacher will complete and submit directly to the guidance counselor or intern coordinator. This process ensures that confidentiality is maintained.
  • Guidance Couselor/Intern Coordinator Process: The counselor/coordinator will review the application packet to ensure all program requirements are met. If all requirements are met, the application packet will be submitted to CVHS.
  • Notification Process: Volunteen applicants will receive notification by email regarding their application status to include details about required meetings and training sessions.
  • Volunteen Placement Process: Every effort will be made to place the Volunteen applicants in areas of interest. Assignments are made according to the level of need and supervisory/mentor availability. Please note that most assignments will be support services and will not include direct patient care.
  • Screening Process: Employee Health will conduct a health screening at no cost that includes a TB test for each Volunteen. Volunteens must provide proof of a Covid vaccine with their application or be approved for an exemption. To apply for a medical/religious exemption, you must complete the exemption form and submit with application. Exemptions may take 1-2 week to complete the review process. This is a requirement for volunteering. Click here for medical exemption form. Click here for religious exemption form.
  • Orientation Process: Volunteens and one parent/legal guardian will attend a required orientation program that includes an introduction to CVHS, schedules, conduct expectations, etc.

CVHS Resource Information

It will be a pleasure to assist you during the volunteen application process. Just call our volunteer services department at the number below:

Kelli Webber
Volunteer Services
810 Fairgrove Church Road, SE
Hickory, NC 28602