PET/CT Center

imaging staff with patient

Through a joint community effort, Catawba Valley Medical Center has been able to bring PET/CT scanning – a combination of positron emission tomography (PET) and computed tomography (CT) imaging – to the Catawba Valley region.

The fastest growing, most accurate diagnostic imaging procedure available in a clinical setting, PET/CT imaging significantly enhances our physicians’ ability to accurately identify and treat life threatening illnesses and disease, particularly among cancer patients. It represents the fusion of a fast, multi-detector spiral CT scanner and a state-of-the-art, high resolution PET scanner.

PET scanning detects the presence of cancerous lesions in the body but cannot necessarily pinpoint their locations. By simultaneously using the spiral CT scanner, clinicians can create a refined, three-dimensional image that shows exactly where the lesion is located. The PET/CT process takes less time than a traditional PET scan and enables physicians to arrive at a more accurate diagnosis more quickly.

How does PET/CT technology in improved patient outcomes for cancer, heart and neurological conditions?

CT Center
  • Serves as a test for early detection of recurrent cancer
  • Accurately assesses the location and stage of malignancy prior to surgery for cancer
  • Replaces multiple medical testing procedures with a single exam, while producing imaging information of superior quality to help physicians make more accurate decisions for treatment regimen
  • Faster scan times and a larger opening in our advanced Siemens Biograph mCT is widely preferred by patients as it reduces anxiety and concerns about claustrophobia, or fear related to being in a confined spaces

To find out more information about the test you are having click on this link: