CVHS Arts & Science Fund Application Organization Name First Name Last Name Title Email Address Phone Number Address1 Address2 City State Zip Code What is the primary focus of your organization? If other location organizations provide similar series, indicate how your program is unique. Does Your Organization Have Non-profit, Tax-exempt Status Under Section 501C3 of the IRS code? YesNo Is the primary goal of your organization to increase access to arts and/or science within Catawba County? YesNo Will the granted funds be used for the primary benefit of Catawba County residents? YesNo Amount Requested Have you received a monetary donation from CVHS in the past? YesNo If so, please describe the amount and timing of donations received from CVHS in the past three years What is the purpose of your request? How exactly will the funds you are applying for be used? When is funding needed for this project? How many people in our area will directly benefit from this specific effort? How exactly will this effort / project promote arts and/or sciences in our community? How will your measure the success of your efforts? List other major contributors to this event / cause How will CVHS be recognized for their sponsorship? Submit Form