Fortunately, most fast food chains have conformed to offering healthier
alternatives and now have better options, such as grilled chicken sandwiches,
salads, oatmeal and fruit. Every item can be made healthier just by leaving
off mayonnaise, cheese and creamy dressings, reducing the portion size
or just choosing to have fruit as your side instead of fries. Let’s
talk about the big calorie saver: water or diet soda instead of regular
soda, sweet tea and juices.
Salads are a great way to get your fruits and veggies on the go. Instead
of high-calorie toppings, choose sunflower seeds for a crunch, grilled
chicken or shrimp for a lean protein and an oil-based dressing like Italian
or Vinaigrette. As for pizza, try a thin crust, add extra veggies and
reduce the amount of added cheese.
Here are a few healthier meal options from your favorite fast food restaurant:
McDonald’s: Premium Southwest Salad with Grilled Chicken; Fruit and
Yogurt Parfait with water: 440 Calories (add the Southwest dressing: 540 Calories)
Chik-fil-A: Char grill Chicken Cool Wrap; Unsweetened Tea; Fruit Cup: 480 Calories
Wendy’s: Small Chili; Side Salad with Fat-Free Raspberry Vinaigrette
Dressing; Water: 470 Calories
Subway: 6-inch Turkey Breast & Black Forest Ham on Wheat with Mustard;
Baked! Lay’s Chips; Unsweetened Tea: 425 Calories
We all have busy schedules, and there will be times when fast food is the
only option. Try to limit these meals to only two times a week or less,
and prepare healthy meals at home so that you will be on the road to better
food choices.
For more information or to schedule an appointment with H. Vondell Clark,
M.D., M.P.H., Medical Director, or Lynn Winkler, Registered Dietician,
please call CVMC’s
Healthy House at 828/326-3410 or visit eatsmartmovemorenc.com.