“I was absolutely shocked to learn that I have diabetes,” said
Emma Goodnight of Mountain View.
It was late Summer 2014 and she had just switched primary care providers.
So, after her first appointment with Dr. Jason Kihneman at
Catawba Valley Medical Group – West Mountain View, she found herself feeling overwhelmed and crying as she drove to the
pharmacy to fill her new prescription for metformin, an anti-diabetic
medication that helps lower elevated blood glucose levels and manage diabetes
before it leads to more serious disabling or even life threatening complications
including cardiovascular disease, kidney disease and nerve damage among other .
Because CVMC takes a team approach to diabetes care and management, Dr.
Kihneman’s office scheduled an appointment for Emma with a CVMC
Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE). Although she cried through her first
appointment, Emma learned about several ways that she could control diabetes
and not let it control her. With a team that included a nurse, a dietitian,
a pharmacist and a counselor, all of whom have received the most up-to-date
training in the most current methods of treating diabetes, Emma proclaimed
war on the disease with the ultimate goal of reversing the condition.
It was at a series of diabetes education classes hosted at the hospital
that Emma learned ways to improve her diet and started counting carbs.
She also met
CVMC Fitness Plus Member Relations Specialist, April Berg. Because Emma had previously had
both knees replaced, April suggested a regimen of aqua aerobics combined
with interval training. But Emma was extremely hesitant.
“I did NOT want to put on a bathing suit and be seen anywhere near
a swimming pool,” said Emma. “But April assured me that the
environment at
Fitness Plus‘ therapeutic pool is not one where I would be intimidated by any
Barbie or Ken types. So I talked with swim instructor Maryia Johnson and
conveyed her sense of urgency to produce dramatic results quickly.”
So she took the plunge and found willpower within that she didn’t
even know she had. Now, a year later, she has dropped 4 dress sizes and
lost 65 pounds – and she is still working towards getting off of
metformin altogether and remains committed to a new healthy lifestyle.
She credits the motivating and compassionate staff at CVMC for the progress
she has made so far.
To help patients and their family members better understand how to manage
diabetes, CVMC hosts regular adult diabetes education groups. Please contact the
CVMC Health First Center. Call 828.326.3442 for more information.