“Super Morbidly Obese”- the term used to describe Roger Whisnant
on the medical record given to him by his family doctor. As weeks passed
Roger found himself still haunted by those words and decided to discuss
it with his doctor. Weighing 488 lbs, Roger was at high risk of death.
He knew it was time to take control of his life.
Roger’s next step: “weighing his options”. Wanting to
make an informed decision, he extensively researched the various types
of surgical weight loss procedures. After several hospital consultations,
he found the surgical weight loss team at Catawba Valley Medical Center
to be not only experienced professionals, but also welcoming and invested
in the comfort and well being of their patients.

He feels blessed to have had his family for support during his recovery.
Following his lead, Roger’s wife decided to have gastric bypass
ten days after his surgery. “It was such a comfort to have someone
who understood the physical and emotional journey I was embarking on.
Together we have undergone a complete transformation.”
Roger has transformed, so much so that a highway patrolman accused him
of giving false identification (ID). The now 220 lb Roger no longer looked
like the guy pictured on the ID. After showing proof that he was a bariatric
surgery patient, she finally let him go, suggesting that he get an updated
license picture.
Life after surgery has proven to be full of adventure and accomplishments.
To celebrate their successful weight loss the Whisnant family took a trip
to Disneyworld. Roger felt like a little kid experiencing Disney for the
first time. He was now able to ride every ride and not only could he walk
around without having to rest, he was at the front of the pack urging
his family to keep up.
He attributes the decision to continue his education to his weight loss.
“At the weight I was at, I really don’t think I would have
had the confidence to go back to school and walk around campus.”.
Roger is proud to say that he graduated from Wilkes Community College
with an Associates of Science in Human Services, while remaining in the
Honor Society with a 3.8 GPA.
Roger strives to be a positive influence in his community whether it’s
through his work at Alexander County Department of Social Services or
by inspiring and advising others who are contemplating weight loss surgery.
He continues to be an advocate for gastric bypass and encourages people
to take control of their life now.

If you are interested in bariatric surgery, we encourage you to attend
a free information seminar to learn more about the Catawba Valley Medical
Center Surgical Weight Management Program. You will meet members of the
bariatric program team as they walk you through the details of the weight
loss surgery and the lifestyle changes necessary for success. Most importantly,
you will have the opportunity to ask questions and hear honest answers
from our experts. Visit us online to register and view the schedule of
our upcoming seminars or call 828.326.2082 and speak to the program coordinator.